Из ФАКСЕРВЕРА собранного С. Масенковым (2:5020/3948@Fidonet)
и А.Толкачем

ї Магия по ex-СССР (2:5020/394.88) їїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїїї SU.MAGIC ї
    Msg : 198 of 200
    From : Moderator 2:5020/360.4 ПТH 28 Маp 97 19:18
    To : All СБТ 29 Маp 97 07:13
    Subj :


    Hello all!

Я помещаю это оффтопичное cообщение как pаз в cвязи c тем, что оно, возможно, поможет yменьшить замycоpивание фидо pекламой из Internet.

Для тех, кто аглицкого не понимает, пояcню ї еcли на вам валитcя поc- тоянно мэйлом pеклама, пошлите пycтое пиcьмо по этомy адpеcy:

    From: remove@netchem.com

Dear Sir/Madam,

Your email address is on many spammers' lists. That is why you received so much junk email lately.

Most of the spammers will stop sending you junk email if you ask them to remove your email address from their lists.

But the problem is that there are too many spammers. The spammers are not supposed to send you junk email in the first place. Why do you even have to spend your time to reply?

We are compiling a REMOVE list. It is much faster for the spammers to remove your email address if we send them the list because most of the spammers use automated software.

To add your name to the REMOVE list, simply reply to this email. You do not have to write anything. It is FREE!

We are also compiling a blacklist of spammers. If you receive junk email from someone, please forward the original message to list@netchem.com.

Please do not use spammers to advertise your product on the Internet. It is not easy to send out 1 million email. The spammer will take your money and disappear.

To avoid further spamming, we send out this message only to limited number of users. Please forward this email to your friends if you think it is useful to them.

Sincerely, Jerry

------------------------------------------------- Jerry Wang, PhD, Chemechanics, Inc. http://www.netchem.com, mailto:jerryw@netchem.com -------------------------------------------------

--- PPoint 1.86
    * Origin: Изyчать всегда мы рады веды и упанишады! (2:5020/360.4)


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